Note-Taking Made Simple

Take comprehensive notes linked directly to your study materials. Organize your thoughts, summarize key concepts, and create structured study guides with our powerful note-taking tools.

Routine River Notes Interface

Powerful Note-Taking Features

Section Notes

Each routine section has its own dedicated notes panel, keeping all your notes organized by topic and easily accessible.

Rich Text Editor

Format your notes with headings, lists, bold, italic, and more, making them easier to read and review later.

Split View

View your study materials and notes side-by-side, allowing you to reference content while taking notes without switching tabs.

Saved to the cloud

Your notes are saved to the cloud when you click the save icon, ensuring you never lose your work.

Pro Tip: Use the notes section to summarize key concepts from your study materials, making them easier to review later. Research shows that summarizing information in your own words improves comprehension and retention by up to 70%.

The Science of Effective Note-Taking

Why Taking Notes Matters

  • Encoding: The act of writing helps encode information into your long-term memory
  • External Storage: Notes provide a reliable external record for later review
  • Active Learning: Taking notes forces active engagement with the material
  • Organization: Notes help structure information in meaningful ways

Research-Backed Methods

Cornell Method

Divide your notes into main notes, cues, and summary sections for active recall practice.

Mind Mapping

Create visual connections between concepts to improve understanding and memory.

Feynman Technique

Explain concepts in simple terms to identify knowledge gaps and deepen understanding.

Research Finding: Students who take organized, structured notes score 34% higher on exams than those who don't take notes or use unstructured note-taking methods.

Rich Text Formatting Options


Structure your notes with multiple heading levels to create a clear hierarchy of information.


Organize information with bullet points and numbered lists for better readability and recall.

Text Formatting

Use bold, italic, underline, and highlighting to emphasize important information and create visual cues.

Tables & Links

Insert tables to organize data and embed links to external resources for comprehensive notes.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does note-taking in Routine River work?

Each routine section has its own dedicated notes panel. You can use our rich text editor to format your notes with headings, lists, and more, making them easy to review later. You can also view your study materials and notes side-by-side with our split view feature.

Can I access my notes across different devices?

Yes, all your notes are securely stored in the cloud and sync automatically across all your devices. This means you can start taking notes on your laptop during class and continue reviewing them on your tablet or phone later.

What formatting options are available for notes?

Our rich text editor includes multiple formatting options including headings of different sizes, bullet and numbered lists, bold, italic, and underline formatting, as well as the ability to insert links. This allows you to create well-structured, easy-to-review notes.

Start Taking Better Notes Today

Join thousands of students who are using Routine River's note-taking tools to improve their learning efficiency and academic performance.